PGWP-aligned programs for Ƶ Students

Find out what PGWP aligned programs you can apply for as an international student at Ƶ College in Victoria, B.C., Canada.

PGWP*-aligned programs[1][2]


Advanced Credentials

§ All bridge programs require the completion of an approved Engineering Technology Diploma for entry.


Arts & Humanities (Undergrad.)

Digital Production, Writing and Design, Certificate
from $19,859 for 8months-1year
Work Experience: Internship (optional)
CIP 2021 code:09.0702
Indigenous Studies, Diploma (Program under review)
from $37,807 for 2-2.5 years
Work Experience: None
CIP 2021 code:13.0203
Psychology, Associate of Arts Degree
from $37,807 for 2years
Work Experience: Internship/Co-op (optional)
CIP 2021 code:42.0101
Sept, Jan, May

Health Sciences (Undergrad.)

Certified Medical Laboratory Assistant, Certificate
from $22,626 for 10months
Work Experience: Practicum (mandatory)
CIP 2021 code:51.0802
Sept, Jan, May
Health Care Assistant, Certificate
from $14,116 for 28 weeks (1 academic year)**
Work Experience:Practicums (mandatory)
CIP 2021 code:51.3902
Sept, Jan,
Apr (or May)
Practical Nursing, Diploma
from $42,497 for 2 years
Work Experience: Practicums (mandatory)

CIP 2021 code:51.3901

Human Services (Undergrad.)

Community, Family and Child Studies, Diploma
from $35,183 for 2years
Work Experience:Practicums (mandatory)
CIP 2021 code:51.1504
Early Learning and Care, Diploma
from $35,721 for 2years
Work Experience:Practicums (mandatory)
CIP 2021 code:19.0711
Sept, Jan

Natural Sciences (Undergrad.)

Applied Chemistry and Biotechnology, Diploma
from $42,163 for 2years
Work Experience: Internship/Co-op (optional)
CIP 2021 code:26.1201
Biology, Associate of Science Degree
from $37,807 for 2years
Work Experience: Internship/Co-op (optional)
CIP 2021 code:26.0101
Sept, Jan, May
General Science, Associate of Science Degree
from $37,807 for 2years
Work Experience: Internship/Co-op (optional)
CIP 2021 code:30.1801
Sept, Jan, May
Environmental Technology, Diploma
from $37,807 for 2years
Work Experience: Co-op (optional)
CIP 2021 code:03.0104

Sport & Exercise (Undergrad.)

Athletic & Exercise Therapy, Bachelor's Degree
from $72,677 for 4years
Work Experience: Clinical placements(mandatory)
CIP 2021 code:51.0913
Kinesiology, Diploma
from $37,301 for 2-2.5years
Work Experience: Internship(optional)
CIP 2021 code:31.0505
Sept, Jan
Kinesiology, Bachelor's degree
from $75,301 for 4-4.5years
Work Experience: Internship(optional)
CIP 2021 code:31.0505
Sept, Jan
Massage Therapy, Diploma
from $90,191 for 2years
Work Experience:Clinical placements (mandatory)
CIP 2021 code:51.3501

Technologies & Engineering (Undergrad.)

Cybersecurity & Networking Technology, Diploma
from $40,349 for 2years
Work Experience: Co-op (optional)
CIP 2021 code:11.1003
Information and Computer Systems Technician, Certificate
from $19,272 for 1year
Work Experience: Internship(optional)
CIP 2021 code:15.1202
Sept, Jan
Information and Computer Systems Technologist, Diploma
from $43,537 for 2years
Work Experience: Internship/Co-op (optional)
CIP 2021 code:15.1202
Sept, Jan
Interactive Media Developer Technician, Certificate
from $19,756 for 1year
Work Experience: Internship(optional)
CIP 2021 code:11.0801
Interactive Media Developer Technologist, Diploma
from $44,521 for 2years
Work Experience: Internship/Co-op (optional)
CIP 2021 code:11.0801
Engineering bridge programs
Civil Engineering Bridge to UBC, Advanced Diploma
from $19,272 for 1year
Work Experience: Internship(optional)
CIP 2021 code: 14.0801
Civil Engineering Bridge to UVic, Advanced Diploma
from $19,756 for 1year
Work Experience: Internship(optional)
CIP 2021 code:14.0801
Electrical & Computer Engineering Bridge to UVic, Advanced Diploma
from $19,272 for 1year
Work Experience: Co-op (optional)
CIP 2021 code:14.1001
Mechanical Engineering Bridge to UBC, Advanced Diploma
from $19,272 for 1year
Work Experience: Internship(optional)
CIP 2021 code:14.1901
Mechanical Engineering Bridge to UVic, Advanced Diploma
from $19,272 for 1year
Work Experience: Co-op (optional)
CIP 2021 code:14.1901
Mining Engineering Bridge to UBC, Advanced Diploma
from $19,272 for 1year
Work Experience: Internship(optional)
CIP 2021 code:14.2101
All bridge programs require the completion of an approved Engineering Technology Diploma for entry.

Trades Foundation (Undergrad.)

Horticulture Technician, Certificate
from $21,157 for 10 months
Work Experience: Clinical/fieldwork placements(mandatory)
CIP 2021 code:01.0601
Availability of seats may be limited and intakes are subject to change. Please contact us for details.


Enrollment in and successful completion of these programs do not guarantee that a Post-Graduation Work Permit (PGWP) will be issued. All PGWP applications are subject to approval by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC).Applicants are responsible for meeting all eligibility criteria as determined by IRCC. Ƶ College is not responsible for the outcome of PGWP applications and has no authority over the processing or determination of a PGWP application.

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1. ^This page was created on January 20, 2025, and outlines the programs that align with the IRCC PGWP-eligible fields of study criteria, which were released on October 4, 2024, and amended on December 17, 2024.

The College reserves the right to modify or cancel any program or course without prior notice or prejudice. Please note that policies, guidelines, and requirements established by Immigration, Refugees and Citizenship Canada (IRCC) are beyond the College’s control and are subject to change at any time.

As such, the College cannot guarantee the accuracy, reliability, or timeliness of information provided by IRCC. Users relying on this information should consult IRCC directly to ensure they have the most up-to-date and accurate details.

2. ^Estimated total costs are in Canadian dollars and include tuition, fees and work integrated learning experience, if applicable. Work experience may be in the form of a co-op, internship, clinical placement, or practicum. The estimated tuition depends on a version of the program and course offerings in a particular semester.

Tuition is calculated using approved rates for the 2024-2025, 2025-2026, 2026-2027, and 2027-2028 school years (where applicable). Non-instructional fees and student benefits are based on the 2024-2025 school year. Some costs are subject to change at any time.

**HCA Program length note: ^This accelerated program provides in-class instruction that is equivalent to one academic year (two semesters or more).

Chat with Student Ambassadors

Ƶ Ƶ Student Ambassadors are available to answer questions about student life.

For program eligibility, application procedures, admissions requirements, tuition fees, scholarships, transfer opportunities, and other admission-related questions, please contact Ƶ staff members from the Ƶ Admissions department.

Contact Ƶ Admissions

Chat with Student Ambassadors (links above) for questions about student life.

Contact Ƶ Ƶ Admissionsfor program eligibility, application procedures, admissions requirements, tuition fees, scholarships, transfer opportunities, and other admission-related questions.