Current Business Students

The School of Business is proud to create a supportive environment for our students. This section is your home base for academic resources, forms, services, technical support, job information, news and events.

Start your program prepared!

Congratulations on choosing Ƶ and welcome to the School of Business

Whether you are enrolled in a certificate, diploma, or degree program, you can complete a credential that will lead you into an incredible career. You will find your time here full of new experiences, fresh insights, and new friends. It will also be a time of hard work, dedication, and commitment.

Orientation information

The School of Business has organized an orientation workshop to help you start your program confident and prepared. The workshops include a presentation with helpful resources, tips and tricks for success and a Q&A session at the end.


Monday, August 26
CBA 219

Tuesday, August 27
CBA 219

Wednesday, August 28
CBA 219 or

Sessions do not require registration.Please arrive or login 5 minutes prior to the scheduled start time. Google Chrome is recommended for online sessions

Missed the live orientation session?

Can't make the live session, we've got you covered.Download the orientation PDF

Who can I contact if I want more information?

DzԳٲCheri Hurtubise, Program Assistant, School of Business

Student professionalism

The School of Business launched theStudent Professionalismproject designed to support you as a student to meet standards of professionalism required by today’s practicing business and organizational professionals.

In the School of Business, we demonstrate professional values

The project is based on giving you exposure to best practices and ensuring that you develop these important skills while you are launching your career.

1. Accountability

  • taking personal responsibility for all actions
  • following through on commitments for group work
  • coming to class prepared to learn
  • attending class regularly and taking responsibility for any missed work/information
  • requesting help when needed from faculty, Advising, Centre for Accessible Learning, Learning Skills, Counselling
  • looking for solutions rather than placing blame

2. Integrity

  • maintaining academic honesty in all endeavours
  • taking credit only for my own work (not that of others)
  • collaborating with others on assignments/projects only when authorized to do so
  • using classroom/lab resources wisely
  • being respectful of lab policies

3. Responsibility

  • completing all assignments on time
  • arriving for all classes and program activities prepared and on time
  • notifying instructors of absences, late arrivals, early departures
  • using time-management strategies-calendars, priority (to do) lists
  • turning off cell phones and other personal electronic devices during class time
  • using computers in an authorized manner

4. Respect

  • treating peers, guests, instructors and staff with the appropriate level of respect whether in person, in writing or in electronic communications
  • demonstrating acceptance of diverse groups
  • not disrupting/interfering with the learning of other students (not talking, texting, coming late, leaving early, doing off-task work)

5. Professional behaviour

  • using language and terminology appropriate for learning environments (no foul language, minimal use of slang or abbreviations)
  • dressing in a neat and appropriate manner for the environment
  • not using strong scents, perfumes or colognes
  • carrying ourselves in a manner that presents a positive image

6. Professional attitude

  • being positive
  • communicating in a sincere manner
  • willingly accepting constructive feedback
  • maintaining composure under professional or personal pressure

7. Adaptability

  • adapting to changes in schedule and procedures
  • exhibiting an open attitude and being receptive to new ideas
  • experimenting with new techniques for completing tasks

8. Continuous learning

  • seeking out learning opportunities
  • seeking clarification/asking relevant questions
  • contributing to class/online discussions
  • seeking new methods of learning tasks

9. Teamwork

  • listening to the views of others
  • giving and receiving feedback in a positive manner
  • managing conflict constructively and professionally
  • being committed to tasks
  • doing my share of work
  • completing assigned group tasks on time
  • contributing ideas to projects
  • communicating with team members regarding tasks, due dates, and meetings

10. Confidentiality

  • maintaining the confidentiality of classmates and clients
  • not discussing items a person shared confidentially with me
  • not gossiping in person or on social networking sites
Students studying

Programs & Courses

Ƶ offers more than 20 business programs, including degrees, post-degree diplomas, certificates, diplomas and university transfer courses.